Museums and art
We went to Rodin museum again. Last summer we past by once, but this time the gates was open so we could see The Gate of Hell closer up. This artist is French, and made pretty much only art sculptures that carries a deep depressed feeling.

First, you read the description below....

...and then look at the art. I can totally see what he intended....or not. Not at all. If that is a person, isn't she being crushed by a rock??


And then we went to the Franklin Institute, a museum dedicated in honor of Mr. Franklin.

Statue of Benjamin Frankling

In this museum we saw the exhibition about Pompei, the city during Roman Empire that was covered by lava when a vulcano nearby suddenly erupted. The whole city was covered by several of layer of dust and dirt and lava, and the citizen dying from the heat froze in their escaping positions. As horrible as it is, it allows us thousans of years later to see exactly how the houses, interior, decorations, market place etc. looked like back then. It was interesting, everything but the last room with the people escaping, that was just sad.

Other parts of the museum was more similar to our "Tom Tits" in Stockholm (or more outside it). IT had a lot of play, touch and test it yourself for the kids to understand gravity and so on.

Making a heart for you back home~

I don't remember if I have taken pictures of these graffiti walls before, but the art amaze me every time I pass by.

Finishing with pictures of my love during a coffee break, hehe, and our dinner.

We ate at a pizzeria, and this is one below is called "strombolli". It's basically a calzone, but smaller and with the filling more stuffed and packed inside. It was good!
