Atlantic city
During our last weekend together before I will go back home again, we took a trip to Atlantic city. There is a train that goes from Philadeplhia to Atlantic city and takes about 2 hours. The tickets was really cheap in our Swedish standard: 10 dollars per person one trip, which is about 60 kr. Or should I say, about the same price it costs to just travel within Stockholm...
Atlantic city is famous for the beach as it is right next to the ocean, and for the casinos! My first time ever visiting a casino, and indeed it looked just like in the movies! All that was missing was some professional gambles counting cards and running away with the money. The people I saw when I was there was just normal middleclass people stubbornly sitting infront of the machines and pushing the play buttoms over and over again. I bet the casinos are making a lot of money on them.

Can I solve my tuition for Upenn with this machine?

No. Life never has been that easy.

But we invested about 6 dollars trying different machines and on one of them we won "10 free games" twice in a row. So while we where sitting there all confused, not understanding what was going on, the machine played twenty games automatically and then printed this check for us! HAH! We won 30 dollars!! That's almost what the trip back and forth for us two cost.

Better stop while you still are winning, right? Right outside the casinos is the beach and the ocean. The weather was really nice, blue sky and it was quite warm in the sun. But the wind was strong and chilly.

The casino where we won some money

Collecting shells of course, it is a must when you come to the beach!

Pointing at the wrong building haha.

Trying to do a cool pose I think hehe

Another casino called "Taj Mahal"

Interesting building, it's a freak show inside where they do things that you didn't believe was possible. We have passed by the same show in NY last summer. Then, there was a guy pushing a nail into his nose. I uploaded pictures on the blogg if you remember. This time, there wasn't any street performance outside their theater, but the building is still interesting.

Pretty buildings

Funny faces~

Inside a shopping mall.

Eating a Philly Cheese Steak. It's minced beef fried with cheese in a baguette.

The view from the food court in the shopping mall. Right infront of the windows is a small walkway with sand and chairs, so you can feel like you are on the beach even if it's to cold or hot outside. Clever!
