Spring in Philadeplhia
So I'm here in Philadelphia again, visiting he who since last Christmas is my fiance now. :) It's of course great to be back here again, being with the one I love. But, for all Swedes who cares a great deal about the weather, it's nothing to envy. I came on Friday night, and the whole weekend it just rained endlessly.

We celebrated my arrival here with some of our favorite food: Korean-Chinese dishes!
Jjiajangmyon (짜장면) is noddles and vegetables in a black bean sauce

And Japanese schnitzel (served on top of rice and fried egg) and 탕수육 or 糖猪肉 sweet and sour fried pork

To be honest, one of the best things with dating a Korean, is that he can cook Korean food for me! Just like Chinese food the ingredients is often chopped into small pieces, but the oils and spicies used are different. Korean food is often spicy, using a chili paste called "gochujang" (고추장), and is quite healty with many vegetables and most of all very, very delicous! Below is a picture of "Royal ttoekbokki" (궁중 떡볶이) that he cooked this weekend. The "tteokbokki" that many of us foreigners know is very spicy, but even though chili is extensively used in the Korean cousine today, it was in fact introduced late to Korea. Thus tis savory dish is more authentic, and altough it's less spicy, it is still very tasteful. Oh, and it is called "royal" because it used to be severed to the King! 와~ 맛있다!

Korean cider 사이다, that have a taste close to 7up or sprite, and at the same time, not really. It's good anyway!

Monday, the first day of the week and I'm sure many of you have also felt that the weather is teasing us. Why else would it rain all the time during the weekend, and then break into blue sky and sun when it's time to work? Now, I'm not working so I can still enjoy the weather, but it would have been nice if me and Issac could have anjoyed it together. So has spring arrived to Phildelphia?

Nope. Well indoors it has, here is a big shopping mall called Macy's and they are really giving us the spring feeling we have longed for! (It's real flowers! Such a wonderful fragnant in the store!)

But outdoors? Not at all. Altough it has finally stopped snowing, and the snow in the ground has all melted, and the sun makes it a bit warmer, the wind is still very chilly and makes the weather cold. Also, there is not a single leaf on the trees. Not even burgeons!

I still make my way out and take walks in the sun, trying to not care about the strong winds here. Came across Upenn bookstore, a store filled with books and what could be called souvernirs for students at University of Pennsylvnia. Yeah, that's the school I'm attending next semester! The Americans seems to be patriotic not only about their country but also their school, and the selection of goods to buy with the school logo is amazing. What do we have at Stockholm University again? Actually other than bags I don't know, never seen students wearing or using SU logo stuff.

You can even buy expensive jewelry and watches with the logo! Wow! That's really being proud of one's school. Well, it's one of the Ivy leages after all. (Ivy leage: schools with the Ivy plants growing on the buildings which has become the ultimate trademark of the top famous schools in the US, including Upenn, Harvard etc).

As the ending picture of this update, a picture of the American cinnamon roll. A lot bigger and really a lot sweeter than our Swedish kanelbulle. Still, Swedish as I am, I have to say ours are better! ;)

Love from Philly!
Postat av: Annika
Just realized I forgot to change the size of the pictures, haha.
Postat av: nicole
Åh vad kul! Mkt bilder och rolig text, visste inte ens att du var over there ;-) ha det underbart så ses vi snart. Kraaaam!!!