Sushi evening
We enjoyed the beginning of the weekend with a dinner out at a sushi restaurant. I usually dont eat sushi because I'm a bit picky with it. Maybe I have been just very unlucky, but the two times I've tried sushi in Sweden it wasn't good at all. However when I was in Japan two years ago, I got to taste how delicious real sushi can be. Luckliy, there are some Japanese restaurant around here that serves almost as good sushi! Below is some pictures I took during Friday evening.

Hell's roll, with chili on the outside. All sushi plates are served with wasabi and thinly sliced ginger.

Sashimi and sushi combonation

American roll, with tempura in it!

Didn't I tell you Shemah, that I found a place in the old town of Philadeplhia that had the sign "Old original book binders"? Well here it is! But it was closed yet again when I came there! So I still don't know what it is.

Information about the founder of Philadelphia, William Penn, in a quite artsy way.


For dessert, we went to a cafe that served frozen yougurt. It wasn't as big selection as the one we went to last summer in Harrisburg, but that made it just easier to decide I guess.

The result! We chose dark chocolate, tart and strawberry taste and mochi topping. Mochi is small cubes of flavored rice cakes.

French macaron

"Smore" is grilled marshmallow, dipped on chocolate on a cracker. It's popular among
college kids. I don't know what's up with the name though...smore???

Waah~ It was so warm people were already sitting outside at the college bar near our home.
