Ulsanbawi Rock Mountain
Hello! I haven't updated this blog for a while. I took a rest from the computer just because I can. Once I go back to Sweden and start studying and working again I won't be able to have this freedom since everything, especially at the university nowadays, one must check the computer at least once a day, or simply just all the time with the advancement of smartphones. Power points from classes, annoncements from the teachers, home work instructions, submission of homeworks and applying to exams etc is all done online today. I might sound old-fashioned now, but it is truly a relief and a sense of freedom to not be bound to anything.
However, I have now gathered pictures and will update the blog again!

Issac's parents took us for a weekend trip to a famous mountain called Ulsanbawi Rock Mountain, but first, a visit to the beach

The water was still warm!

At the beach shore there was motorboats offering a short trip on the ocean, driving around in circles aiming for the waves.

The driver

After jumping around with the boat, we got back to the car and drove the last part to the mountain. And here it is! Or parts of it. The Ulsanbawi Rock mountain is a part of a long mountain chain.

This energy drink sounds like anything but delicious....

If you look closely, at the middle of this mountain there is two lines. It's for the cable car for those people who are not so interested in hiking, and just want a quick look at the view (Almost all Chinese tourists went for the cable car). Our goal however, was to really hike a mountain!

The hike started with about 3 km long walk on flat ground


Now the real hiking begins! The cement road has ended, and stairs made out of stones have replaced it. Now it's only 4 km of hiking until we reach the top

Getting higher up!

This is the mountain we are trying to get closer to!

Passing by a buddhist temple half way up

Almost there. But my legs are already very, very tired.

The stone stairs was now replaced by steep(!!) metal stairs

Almost there... and my legs are shaking from tiredness and from the hight.

And up! At the top! Finally! 876 meters high!

On our way down again (which was equally hard I had aldready passed my limit and my legs was now shaking and hurting...). I took this pictures to show how the latest trend in Korea. No, not pushing a rock, but hiking. And it's visible through the clothes. Koreans are very concerned with fashion, so if they are going to do hiking, their clothes from top to toe has to be real hiking clothes from a famous brand such as North Face.

Another buddhist temple

The guards of the temple

Sunset, first picture with the sun behind the mountain, and second picture with the sun at the side of the mountain
