End of the tour - More beauty and girls being valued more than boys
This is the last update with pictures from Jeju island. The last two places of the tour were a half-island shaped by volcano and a museum about the women living in Jeju.

The shape of this half-island is very interesting, especially from above but the tour didn't include a helicopter ride above unfortunately.

Climbing the mountain

Or, well, if walking up on the stairs is counted as climbing.

Beautiful view from the top

The peak is shaped like a bowl

From the side

As I mentioned earlier, Jeju women worked hard to support their families since their husbands often travelled on the sea fishing or trading. And not uncommonly, the husbands drowned, leaving the women as the only income maker. This is a museum about them.

How they lived

The kitchen

A boat they used when going further out in the sea to fish

What's so special about these women, is that they fished by diving down deep without any equipments at all, sometimes staying under water for as long as two minutes.

Because of their great work, they even had a saying like this one above! This is the first time I have ever heard of a new born girl being more celebrated than a boy in history. At least some place in the world, although very small, and hopefully really is true, girls were accknowled too as a big support for the family.
That was it for Jeju island. Next coming up is pictures from the Mid-Autumn festival.