Half of the first day: Theme parks in Jeju island
Since Jeju island has poor transportation around the island, we joined a two-days bus tour for Koreans. The trip was not only cheap, the intinery was indeed planned for Koreans with so many stops for different sellers to sell us medicine. The day however, started with a Thai elephant show.

I'm feeding an elephant! There was bananas being sold outside to feed them with.

Give mee

The elephant had been taught to recognice to things: bananas to eat, and money.

The money went straight up to the driver

Dancing elephant


The elephant was an artist!

Painting by elephant

Massage á la elephant

Water show

Elephant throwing darts

And playing basketball
Since many tourists comes to Jeju island, all kinds of theme parks are growing like mushrooms there. The tour took us to one with miniatures of famous buildings. See how many places I have been to during just a half hour! Now I don't need to travel the world anymore...

The slanting tower of Pisa

Court house in Korea

Statue of liberty

A light house

London bridge

Statues from Chile

Journey of the west - a Chinese old and famous story, monkey king is in it!

Palace in Seoul

Eiffel tower and one of the gates in Seoul

The forbidden city in Beijing

The great wall of China

Ankorwat in Cambodia

Taj Mahal in India

Jesus in Brazil


At the end, was for us the most interesting exhibition - how Korea looked liked back in the 60s.

Cameras back in the time


Old classroom

The second theme park we went to was called illusionary park, giving you a chance to get some things off your bucket's list (the list of things you have to do before you die)

Fight with a bear

Find a treasure chest

Water a money tree

Walk with the famous

Rob a store

Feed...the hungry big mouth man?

Greet the Samsung boss

Or the Iphone inventor

Sky glide!

Pull a truck forward with your muscle strenght only. Go honey! You can do it!

My mother-in-law feeds me well, I grew so much!

Catch the cabbage

Ripping of Van Gogh's painting

Amazing Issac and his sidekick Spiderman

So strong!!

I'm pretty smart, teaching Einsten and other so called clever guys

There was also an ice room, with statues of ice in there. And it was really cold to kept the ice from melting, especially when wearing summer clothes.But that didn't stop us from trying the ice slide!

The temperature difference was so big when coming outside from the ice room, my glasses instantly got completely foggy, and stayed like that for some minutes. Not even wiping them helped.

This was only half of the first day, but we took so many pictures so I will stop here from now and upload the rest later. Tomorrow it is the mid-autumn festival, a festival that could be called the East Asian Christmas. This is when the whole family and relatives gather together, eat food they have prepared and.. well, I will get to know the rest tomorrow. Hope you enjoyed this update! :)